姓名 | 周伟奇 | 性别 | 男 |
职称 | 研究员 | 职务 | 北京城市站站长、国家重点实验室副主任 | |
电话 | 0086-10-62849268 | 传真 | 010-62915372 | |
电子邮件 | wzhou@rcees.ac.cn | |||
专业 | 城市生态 | |||
地址 | 北京市海淀区双清路18号 | |||
简要介绍 | 主要从事城市生态系统格局特征与动态变化,及其生态环境效应研究。主要应用遥感、地理信息系统与空间统计模型分析等技术方法,结合地面调查,研究:1)城市生态系统结构和格局定量化的理论、方法和技术;2)城市生态系统结构和格局动态的驱动机制;3)城市生态系统结构和格局与典型过程和功能的定量关系。2004-2011年,在国际上最有代表性的城市生态研究项目"巴尔迪摩城市生态系统研究"做研究工作。发表SCI收录论文20余篇。 | |||
学习经历 | 博士: 自然资源,美国佛蒙特大学(University of Vermont),2004 –2007 硕士: 地图学与地理信息系统,中科院遥感所,2001-2004 学士: 环境科学,北京大学,1997 – 2001 (辅修计算机科学) | |||
工作经历 | 2011年9月至今,中国科学院生态环境研究中心研究员? 2008年6月- 2011年8月,加州大学戴维斯分校博士后 2007年6月- 2008年5月,佛蒙特大学博士后 | |||
研究方向 | 主要从事城市生态系统格局特征与动态变化,及其生态环境效应研究 | |||
承担课题 | 1. 2011-2013:"全国生态环境十年(2000-2010年)变化遥感调查与评估"项目专题"城市化区域生态环境十年变化调查与评估";专题负责人; 2. 2011-2013:"全国生态环境十年(2000-2010年)变化遥感调查与评估"项目课题"京津唐城市群生态环境状况及十年变化遥感调查与评估";课题负责人; 3. 2012-2015:国家科技支撑计划子课题 "城市热环境多尺度监测关键技术集成与示范";子课题负责人。 | |||
重要著作 与成果
| Zhou, W., and M. L. Cadenasso. 2012.Effects of patch characteristics and within patch heterogeneity on the accuracy of urban land cover estimates from visual interpretation. Landscape Ecology. 27(9): 1291-1305. Li, X., W. Zhou, Z.Ouyang,W. Xue, and H.Zheng. 2012. Spatial pattern of greenspace affects land surface temperature: evidence from t he heavily urbanized Beijing metropolitan area, China. Landscape Ecology, 27: 887-898. Wang H, W. Zhou, X. Wang, F. Gao, H. Zheng, L. Tong, Z. Ouyang. 2012. Ozone uptake by adult urban trees based on sap flow measurement. Environmental Pollution. 162: 275-286. Zhou, W., G. Huang, and M. L. Cadenasso. 2011. Does spatial configuration matter? Understanding the effects of land cover pattern on land surface temperature in urban landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning. 102(1): 54-63. Zhou, W., G. Huang, and M. L. Cadenasso. 2011. 90 years of forest cover change in an urbanizing watershed: spatial and temporal dynamics. Landscape Ecology. 26: 645-659. Huang, G., W. Zhou, and S. Ali. 2011. Spatial patterns of mining and tourism in biodiversity hotspots: A case study in China. Ecological Economics. 70(8): 1492-1498. Huang, G., W. Zhou and M. L. Cadenasso. 2011. Is everyone hot is the city? Spatial pattern of land surface temperatures, land cover and neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics in Baltimore City, MD. Journal of Environmental Management. 92(7):1753-1759. Zhou, W., K. Schwarz and M. L. Cadenasso. 2010. Mapping Urban Landscape Heterogeneity Agreement between Visual Interpretation and Digital Classification Approaches. Landscape Ecology. 25(1): 53-67. Smith, M., W. Zhou, M. Cadenasso, J. Grove, and L. Band. 2010. Evaluation of the NLCD for hydrologic applications in urban and suburban Baltimore, Maryland. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 46(2): 429-442. Zhou, W. and A. Troy. 2009. Development of an object-oriented framework for classifying and inventorying human-dominated forest ecosystems. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 30(23):6343-6360. Zhou,W., A. Troy, M. Grove and J. Jenkins, 2009, Can Money Buy Green? Demographic and Socioeconomic Predictors of Lawncare Expenditures and Lawn Greenness in Urban Residential Areas. Society and Natural Resources. 22(8): 744 -760. Zhou, W., G. Huang, A. Troy, and M. Cadenasso. 2009. Object-based land cover classification of shaded areas in high spatial resolution imagery of urban areas: a comparison study. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113(8): 1769-1777. Zhou, W. and A. Troy, 2008. An Object-oriented Approach for Analyzing and Characterizing Urban Landscape at the Parcel Level. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 29 (11):3119-3135. Zhou,W., A. Troy, and J.M Grove, 2008. Object-based land cover classification and change analysis in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area using multi-temporal high resolution remote sensing data. Sensors. 8: 1613-1636. Zhou, W., A. Troy, and M. Grove, 2008. Modeling household lawn fertilization practices: Integrating high-resolution remote sensing and socioeconomic data. Environmental Management. 41(5):742-752. Zhou, W., S. Wang, Y. Zhou, and A. Troy. 2006. Mapping the concentrations of total suspended matter in Lake Taihu, China, using Landsat-5 TM data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 27(6): 1177-1191. |